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Fee-Based Financial Planning

Of course, our role with clients goes beyond just providing expert guidance in the creation of your financial plan. When we work with you during a Fee-Based financial planning engagement, we follow the fiduciary standard which means that we act in your best interest and put your interests ahead of ours. We'll also help you implement your plan through a combination of innovative investment and insurance solutions.

In the end, we are paid to work with you to make sure your financial needs are met with care, with expertise and with an understanding of your unique circumstances and individual goals. Together, we can agree on the appropriate fee structure based upon those needs and the specific services required.

Making great decisions about your wealth, whether you are deciding to grow it or protect it or both, starts with sound thinking; thinking that makes sense. Here’s how our thinking starts when it comes to helping you make important financial decisions.

With financial independence, family legacy and social capital solutions in place, wealth optimization becomes the focus of the planning process. We use a unique and disciplined values-based approach to help you make wise choices and to help ensure that your plan is focusing on what you value.

We break the planning process into four quadrants or phases, each one representing one planning cycle: Discovery, Creative Solutions, Strategy Deployment, and Results Management.

Identify and think about the problem

Your plan will help you make the most of what you already have, no matter where you're starting from, and give you a snapshot of your financial big picture.

Identify where you want to go

Whether it's shorter-term goals like managing your debt, or longer-term ones like saving for a new home, or retirement, your financial plan will show you how you're tracking, help you understand what's working, and point out any gaps you might have.

Put together range of options to get you there

Looking across all your goals, you'll get personalized recommendations and strategies to grow your wealth while making sure everything's protected. And I'll help you determine the right moves to make today and later on. Your financial plan is based on your priorities. As those priorities change throughout your life, we'll shift the financial strategies in your plan, too-so your plan stays flexible, and you stay on track to consistently meet goal after goal.

Identify and think about the problem

Your plan will help you make the most of what you already have, no matter where you're starting from, and give you a snapshot of your financial big picture.

Identify where you want to go

Whether it's shorter-term goals like managing your debt, or longer-term ones like saving for a new home, or retirement, your financial plan will show you how you're tracking, help you understand what's working, and point out any gaps you might have.

Put together range of options to get you there

Looking across all your goals, you'll get personalized recommendations and strategies to grow your wealth while making sure everything's protected. And I'll help you determine the right moves to make today and later on. Your financial plan is based on your priorities. As those priorities change throughout your life, we'll shift the financial strategies in your plan, too-so your plan stays flexible, and you stay on track to consistently meet goal after goal.

Working with a knowledgeable and experienced planner who has access to current technologies and a thorough understanding of tax rules and financial planning techniques is important. Working with an advisor who takes the time to understand your unique desires and goals is critical.

We will take the time to help you make that assessment, develop a plan that works for you, and provide you with the tools and strategies necessary to successfully implement that plan.